Work continues

Work continues on Deeper. 

So, you know, there's been quite a buzz lately—like, a real buzz—about me and my game development process. I guess it's because I mainly share updates through my YouTube channel right over Here. The thing is, though, there are some folks out there who haven't really been following along and have started weaving their own stories. It's kind of funny, really. There's this small group on certain Piracy forums who've been spinning their own tales for so long that people actually believe they have some sort of inside scoop or speak on my behalf. But hey, let me set the record straight: that's just not true. If there's something important to share, you can count on me to do it right here, in my own words.

With that in mind...

Right now, I'm knee-deep in crafting the next phase of the main storyline, and let me tell you, it's shaping up to be something truly special. But you know what? That's just the beginning!

Once I have the main storyline in a place that feels just right, I'll be diving into the captivating world of side stories. These little gems will add even more depth and richness to the overall experience. Oh, and here's a fun twist: when the game is all polished and ready, players will actually want to complete those side story arcs before reaching the grand finale of the main story. It's like unlocking hidden treasures along the way!

And hey, let's talk visuals. I've got some fantastic plans to enhance the mini-games, starting with fishing. Trust me, it's going to be an engaging process that not only feels better but also looks absolutely stunning. Oh, and don't even get me started on the battle cards game—the main side-game. I'm really proud of how it's shaping up, but I'm not stopping there. I'll be working my magic to add more cards and opponents, making it an even more thrilling experience overall.

Now, I can't give you an exact date for the next update just yet. There's still a bunch of amazing features and improvements I want to include before I release it into the wild. But hey, rest assured, I'll be right here, keeping you all in the loop as we get closer to completion.

Oh, and here's a little heads up: as Deeper gets closer to its full completion, the price will reflect the immense value and effort poured into it. So, why not take advantage of the early development price while you can? It's a chance to jump in early and embark on this incredible journey with us!

Stay tuned, my friends, because there's so much more to come. Together, we're crafting something truly extraordinary, and I'm beyond grateful for your unwavering support throughout this adventure. Let's make some unforgettable memories in the world of Deeper!

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(1 edit) (+1)

There's something wincingly funny about people who steal games holding forth with opinions and theories about them.

They didn't even respect the work enough to pay for it; why would their opinions be respected?

I get that money is tight, and that people sometimes use pirate sites as a "free demo" way to sample something before they risk money on it -- especially when the only other way to sample some games is by paying a not-insignificant monthly fee on sites like Patreon, up front -- but in my opinion at least, if someone hasn't paid for the work, their opinion on it means little.

They have "no skin in the game", as the saying goes.

But internet gonna internet, as always. Stay the course, Thundorn. Cheers!


Thanks mate